Herbal windfalls
Scots pine - a tree comes down and gives me its needles t bring life to others in the form of medicines for chesty coughs.
Winter, Spring, Summer or Fall?
Beng measured with our energies, realistic about what we can fit into any given time slot, allowing for rest… find your seasonal rhythms when working wth me.
Completely conkers; a herbalist’s weekend!
Bonkers for conkers… did you know they make great washing detergent?
Joyous practice
The joy of a hobby or activty which bring you total absoprtion an with that comes peace and contentment.
Self-care and love
It can feel really hard to offer yourself the nourishment you acually need. It’s so easy to turn to the wine and TV binges instead of the healthful options like tapping and a good night’s sleep. Find out how I made those changes.
Heartfelt Tea for Lucy
The birth of Heartfelt Tea, a pillar-stone of the Pholiage Tea Blends I have created for emotional heath support.
The feelings are there anyway
The feelngs are there anyway whether you express them or not. They are stored in your body if you don’t express them and eventually, this takes its toll on you.
An unexpected lesson from Rosemary! Sleep part 10
The power of herbs is not to be underestmiated - even in small doses!
My story with Anxiety
I thought aniety was weak until ai experienced it for months and felt helpless, powerless and at the mercy of the tidal wave it created in me.
You choose. Taking agency for your health is empowering when when a diagnosis feels frghtening
Move Mountains With Me
“It’s not necessary to move mountains to move mountains. It’s only necessary to move pebbles” Neale Donald Walsh
Move your pebbles with me.