Serving up Love… to you, with love from you
What is the best possible love you can give to yourself? How can you invest in you?
I am beginning to think that the most radical form of self love is in what we put in our mouths. When I hold myself accountable to my future self, the food choices I make are infinitely better than when I go with 'a bit of what I fancy'.
We know that choosing food when we are hungry makes us far more likely to choose instant fix, dopamine boosting easy foods. There are studies which show that when we pre-plan our meals, we make much healthier choices than when we buy hungry. And, if you've ever had to squeeze in a supermarket trip before lunch you'll know that you come back with very different things to usual! Different's not always a bad thing but in this instance, it usually is!
Lucy's Saturday lunch
My lunch yesterday looked like this and today, it was pretty similar just with brown rice and lentils rather than Mortadella.
I know that when I eat like this, my energy is better, that I am contributing to my health in all the forms it's possible. I have green veg and artichoke for my liver, tahini for calcium for my bones, beetroot and olives for my cardiovascular system, chick peas and butter beans for protein, raw fermented kimchi and raw garlic for my digestive system, avocado and olives for a lot of tastiness and good fats...
That was a power plate. And when I look to my future, I want to be in the best possible health. I want to be around for my daughter in a supportive state (if she wants it!)
I believe I am contributing towards a positive future. We all have much longer life spans than our ancestors but what about a long health span? I intend to be as fit as I can for as long as I can. And then I can enjoy my life for longer, I won't be a burden on anyone. If we all ate well, it would change so much about our health! And, just think how much more resource the NHS could funnel into other areas of health if it weren't overburdened by lifestyle diseases.
I belive that food is fundamental to all of this. It isn't the only factor as we also need to get good sleep, take herbs to address health issues, truly relax so that our nervous systems can replenish and exercise to faciliate and keep mobility.
Start by serving yourself a plate of self-love this Valentine's.