Herbal windfalls
Scots pine - a tree comes down and gives me its needles t bring life to others in the form of medicines for chesty coughs.
An unexpected lesson from Rosemary! Sleep part 10
The power of herbs is not to be underestmiated - even in small doses!
My story with Anxiety
I thought aniety was weak until ai experienced it for months and felt helpless, powerless and at the mercy of the tidal wave it created in me.
You choose. Taking agency for your health is empowering when when a diagnosis feels frghtening
Cowslip - sleep part 7
Sedative hers are great temporary measures to promote great sleep and get out of the habit of ‘bad’ sleep.
Chilli oil
Chilli oil has surprising medicinal properties! Read here to see how it gets used.
Over-The-Counter remedies - Sleep Part 4
Sleep remedies are in every pharmacy. I am not overly keen and you can read more about why here
Chilli tincture making
Keeping it hot, hot hot!
Chillies are a surprisingly good topical medicine for many things including psoriasis and sore joints!
Herbs don’t work for me
Consulting with a medical herbalist is so different to treating yourself with herbs. Here are some of the reasons why it may not have worked.