Self-care and love
It can feel really hard to offer yourself the nourishment you acually need. It’s so easy to turn to the wine and TV binges instead of the healthful options like tapping and a good night’s sleep. Find out how I made those changes.
You choose. Taking agency for your health is empowering when when a diagnosis feels frghtening
My EFT 'super-power'
Working with strangers is part of my job. It always gives me a slight frisson of nerves. In a good way. Therapuetic relationship is such an integral part of getting it right for someone and we know pretty quickly if it’ s likely to be a good one or not.
It’s part of my job to find my way to where you are. To pick the gold from the ‘fool’s gold’ in your words and swerve away from the blind alleys.
I love it!